European Youth Event
Latest news and events
Every two years, the EYE (European Youth Event) brings together thousands of young people from across the European Union and beyond, right at the heart of European democracy. The EYE is a unique opportunity for 16- to 30 year-olds to inspire and get inspired, to debate directly with Members of the European Parliament and other European decision-makers, and to exchange views with experts, activists and content creators.
EYE2025, the sixth edition of this event, will take place on 13 and 14 June 2025, offering an interactive and dynamic mix of activities, debates, workshops, visits, artistic performances and much more – both inside the European Parliament in Strasbourg and around in the EYE Village.
27 September - 28 October Launch of two calls to organise activities inside the Parliament and in the EYE Village
November - Call for youth groups
February - Opening of participants registrations
All young people between 16 and 30 years old can take part. While taking part in the EYE is free, participants are responsible for arranging and covering their own travel and accommodation in Strasbourg.
The EYE is an event for youth, co-created with youth, and participants can propose and organise activities. In September 2024, the European Parliament and the European Youth Forum will launch two calls for youth organisations and youth groups wishing to organise activities during the event.
Groups of young people with disabilities, from remote or rural areas, from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds can apply for a financial contribution to join the event. A call to offer financial support will be launched in November 2024.
Local Eyes
Get involved in European democracy, meet other young Europeans and make your voice heard in your local EYE – all we need is you!
Have some ideas to share? Want to learn more about the European Parliament Youth Offer or be more active in the democratic process?
How many editions of the EYE took place and what happened? Learn more about previous editions of the EYE.
About Us
Who are we and what do we do? Get to know the team behind the EYE.