Last updated: 06/06/2023

The Youth Outreach Unit of the European Parliament processes your personal data in the context of organising and conducting the European Youth Event (hereinafter the “EYE”). The EYE brings together at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and online thousands of young people from all over the European Union and the world, to share and shape their ideas on Europe’s future.

We process your personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data (the ‘Regulation’).

We provide you with the information that follows based on Article 15 and Article 16 of the Regulation.


    The European Parliament is acting as the controller and the department responsible for the processing is the Youth Outreach Unit of the Directorate-General for Communication, represented by the Head of Unit.

    For more information on the Youth Outreach Unit and the EYE, please consult our website:

    You can contact the controller at or by post, in a sealed envelope, at European Parliament – Youth Outreach Unit Attn: The Head of Unit – Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles – Belgium.


    We process your personal data for the following seven purposes:

    Event management

    Your personal data will be processed in order to organise and manage the bootcamp and the European Youth Event in June 2025.

    The event management includes the following:

    • processing invitations and participation requests and registering the event’s participants through the EYE registration platform (more information about the processing of your personal data when using this platform is available in the dedicated data protection notice1;
    • management of special access needs, if applicable;
    • event reporting, including taking photos and audio-video recordings and their possible distribution and publication where applicable, including on social media (more information about the processing of your personal in the framework of the European Parliament’s presence on social media is available in the dedicated data protection notice);
    • event follow-up actions such as sharing of participant contact details, distribution of reports, and evaluation of the event.

    The processing of your contact details is for communication purposes linked to the European Youth event (communication of important updates, changes and information about the event) and for inviting to future similar events and communication actions of the European Parliament.



    Your personal data will be further processed by the Directorate-General for Security and Safety of the European Parliament to grant you access to the premises of the event and provide you with a specific access badge for the event (a coloured bracelet). You will find more information about the processing of your personal data for security purposes in the dedicated data protection notice2 .



    If you are a member of one of the sponsored groups selected under the Opinion Multiplier Group (OMG) programme or invited by a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), your personal data will also be further processed by the Visits and Seminars Unit of the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Communication for the payment of the related financial contribution. A dedicated data protection notice3 is available for this processing.



    If you are an individual participant travelling to Strasbourg anonymised information regarding your location of origin and means of transport will also be processed by Parliament’s EMAS Unit for the calculation and offset of the carbon emissions linked to the event.


    Medical assistance

    If you are a minor, we collect the consent and contact information of your legal guardian to grant the Medical Service of the European Parliament or appointed medical assistance provider (such as Red Cross) to provide you with the necessary primary medical care or treatment which may be required.



    We may also process your personal data to organise a series of competitions intended to select a number of participants for the European Youth Event or other events related to it. Participation in the competitions and data collection might entail the use of the European Commission platform EU Survey. For more information, please consult the specific competitions’ terms and conditions.


    Photo booths

    Photo booths will be available for voluntary use by participants during the event. The use of the photo booths entails the shooting of your picture, temporary storage and hard printing on site. For more information, please consult the photo booths specific data protection notice, available at the photo booth location.

    In addition to the processing above, we run a statistics system that does not process any personal data (Anonymous Client Satisfaction Survey).


    For contacting you about similar events and communication actions of the European Parliament, for taking and publishing photos and videos and other event material, for granting medical care if you are a minor, for collecting information about your means of transport for the calculation and offset of the carbon emissions linked to the event, for administering your special needs, and for operating the photo booths the lawfulness of processing is based on Article 5(1)(d) of the Regulation, i.e. on your consent.

    For organising and managing the event, paying the financial contribution you may be entitled to, and ensuring the event’s security, the lawfulness of processing is based on Article 5(1)(a) of the Regulation: “processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Union institution or body”.

    For organising competitions the lawfulness of processing is based on Article 5(1)(c) of the Regulation: “processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract ”.


    Event management

    For the purpose of event registration, its management and follow‐up, we process the following personal data:

    • Your gender
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Date of birth
    • Nationality
    • Contact details (phone number, residence address (street and number, postal code, town, country)
    • Email address
    • Emergency contact details (name and phone number)
    • Age
    • Preferred language
    • Characteristics concerning special needs (disability)
    • Pictures/videos
    • Content of your email if you add some personal data when you contact us for a question, Choices on session/workshop participation

    If you are a speaker, we will publish also the agenda of the meeting with your name, affiliation and intervention title. We might publish other personal information you provide us with (e.g. as a speaker) at the event, such as CVs, photos, presentations etc. This will be done only upon your consent.

    If you were selected by the municipality of Strasbourg to participate in the event, your personal data was provided to us by the municipality to allow your registration to the event.

    The data we have collected about you via the EYE registration platform may also have been provided by group leaders or activity organisers centralising the registration of their group or staff members.

    If you decide to take photographs/audio‐visual recordings of EYE participants and/or publish them online, you assume full responsibility for these actions. The same applies if you download the photographs that will be posted and publish them on the Internet. The data controller shall not be held accountable for any processing of personal data that you might carry out on your own initiative during or after the event.



    For security purposes, the following personal data will be processed:

    • Your gender
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Date of birth
    • Nationality
    • ID card/passport number
    • Contact details (phone number, residence address (street and number, postal code, town, country)
    • Email address
    • Age



    For reimbursement purposes, the following personal data will be processed:

    • Your gender
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Date of birth
    • Nationality
    • ID card/passport number
    • Contact details (phone number, residence address (street and number, postal code, town, country)
    • Email address
    • Age
    • Bank details



    For the calculation and offset of the carbon emissions linked to the event, if you are an individual participant travelling to Strasbourg, your location of origin and means of transport will be processed.


    Medical assistance

    If you are a minor, we process the consent and contact information of your legal guardian namely:

    • their name
    • their surname
    • their telephone number



    For conducting competitions, we process the following:

    • your name
    • your surname
    • your email address
    • your date of birth
    • your country of origin and country of residence.

    If you are a competition winner, we will further process the following:

    • your ID card/passport number
    • your phone number


    Photo booths

    If you voluntarily opt to use the photo booths available during the EYE, we will process the following:

    • your image

    We do not do any automatic decision making or profiling with your personal data to take decisions that would affect you.


    Your personal data will be stored for the following periods:


    Event management

    Your personal data which is strictly necessary to communicate with you (your Name, Surname, Email address and Country of Origin), will be retained for twenty‐four months following the end of the event.

    If you have provided sensitive personal data relating to your special access requirements, this will be deleted after event follow-up.



    Your personal data needed to access the premises of the event, if applicable, will be stored for the time of the validity of the accreditation period plus a maximum of one year (which can be extended to two years in specific cases) for purposes of possible security enquiries and risk analyses.



    If you are a member of the OMG programme or invited by a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), your personal data used for the payment of the financial contribution will be kept for audit purposes for a period of 5 years after discharge of the EU budget, for the current year.


    Medical assistance

    If you are a minor, the personal data processed for the purpose of providing you with medical assistance, if applicable, will be retained for a period of 6 month following the end of the European Youth Event.



    In the context of competitions, your personal data will be kept for the duration of the specific competition period and will then be deleted – as per the terms and conditions of the specific competition.

    If you are a competition winner, your personal data will be retained for six months following the end of the European Youth Event and will then be deleted.


    Photo booths

    Images will be stored on the photo local drive and deleted at the end of each business day when the photo booth was operated.



    During the registration phase, your personal data is solely processed by the data controller.

    Five days before the event, your personal data is transferred to:

    • Parliament’s Directorate-General for Security and Safety and the national authorities involved in the organisation of the event for accreditation and security purposes,
    • the Visits and Seminars Unit of the European Parliament for the payment of the financial contribution to members of the OMG programme and participants invited by a Member of the European Parliament (MEP).

    Access to your personal data is provided to the authorised personnel of the European Parliament and its contractors responsible for carrying out this processing operation according to the “need to know” principle. Such staff abide by statutory, and when required, additional confidentiality agreements.

    Access to your personal data will also be provided to participants in the event (limited to your contact details, if you have consented) and the public for photos and videos posted on the EU institutions’ websites and social media websites.

    Your contact data may also be transmitted to European Parliament Services such as Liaison Offices who wish to get in touch with participants from a specific country to invite them to future similar events and communication actions of the European Parliament or Media Services of the European Parliament if you are a journalist.

    Upon request, access to some of your personal data (first name, last name, ID details) may be granted to the French public authorities (Préfecture du Bas-Rhin) for security reasons.

    The European Parliament operates also a video surveillance system, monitoring its buildings and perimeter. The system is used for safety and security purposes only. In accordance with guidelines by the European Data Protection Supervisor, the European Parliament has a Video‐ Surveillance Policy (pdf), which contains all relevant characteristics of the system, as well as information relating to data protection and contact details. You can also consult the dedicated data protection notice (pdf) related to the video surveillance system for the EP buildings here.

    The Video surveillance policy and data protection notice are also applicable for the video-surveillance system installed in the EYE Village.

    Photo booths available during the EYE are operated by a subcontractor of the European Parliament. The subcontractor will receive your information to allow the transmission of your photo. Upon your consent, the subcontractor will also transmit your personal data to the European Parliament (Youth Outreach Unit) to allow communication with you about other activities and initiatives of the European Parliament.



    You have the following rights:

    • Right of access to your personal data
    • Right to rectification of your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete
    • Right to erasure of your personal data
    • Right to restriction of the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions
    • Right to data portability
    • Right to object to the processing of your personal data
    • Right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal by sending an email to the controller at

    If you would like to exercise your rights or have questions concerning the processing of your personal data, you may address them to the data controller via the functional mailbox or by post, in a sealed envelope, at European Parliament – Youth Outreach Unit Attn: The Head of Unit – Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles – Belgium

    We will consider your request, take a decision and communicate it to you.

    Right to lodge a complaint:

    If you have any remarks or complaints regarding the way we process your personal data, you can contact the European Parliament’s data protection officer at

    You have, in any case, the right to lodge a complaint with our supervisory authority, the European Data Protection Supervisor, by writing to