Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
General information
Registrations for the event was open until 21 February. All young people between 16 and 30 years old can take part. Participation in the EYE is free of charge but participants need to arrange and cover their own travel to Strasbourg as well as their accommodation on site. More information is available on the Take part page.
The European Parliament is committed to promoting inclusiveness and civic engagement. Active and engaged groups of young people were able to apply to our call for a financial contribution to attend the event, which was open in November 2024. Priority was given to young people with disabilities, from rural or remote areas and/or from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.
If you are interested in taking part in EYE2025, you may also contact Members of the European Parliament from your constituency or country, who may be able to sponsor a group to attend the event.
The EYE programme runs from 10:00 to 18:00 on 13 and 14 June, followed by concerts in the EYE Village on both evenings. The updated programme and schedule will be available in April.
Accreditation will be open from Thursday, so we encourage you to arrive on this day so you can access the EYE premises more quickly on Friday morning and avoid potential queues at the accreditation centre. You will also have a concert in the EYE village on this evening, so make sure you don’t miss it!
It is up to you to organise your programme at the EYE and select the activities you want to attend. Participants who receive a financial contribution from the European Parliament are required to attend both days.
The EYE makes great efforts to promote sustainability and to implement actions that make the event more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The EYE organising team aims to continually improve and we are very interested in your ideas. If you think there is something that should be improved or fixed to make the EYE more sustainable, please let us know at eye@europarl.europa.eu.
We do not produce EYE-branded material for sale. All registered participants will receive an EYE-branded tote bag and map at accreditation.
The number of promotional materials distributed during the event will be kept to a minimum in order to reduce emissions associated with the production of these items as well as the waste resulting from unused products. We will do our best to ensure that any product available at the event is ethically sourced, environmentally friendly and produced in the EU, and we request this same approach from all activity organisers taking part in EYE2025.
Call for volunteers is closed. More information on the volunteers Page.
Following the event, the EYE organising team is planning to invite young people to attend parliamentary committee meetings to discuss with Members of the European Parliament on relevant legislative files. More information will be available in the coming months on the EYE website.
The EYE is organised by the European Parliament in collaboration with a number of partners and activity organisers, including youth organisations, other EU institutions and international organisations. The European Parliament co-creates about half of the EYE programme with youth organisations and youth groups.
This year, the EYE Village is being co-organised with the European Youth Forum.
The EYE aims to involve young people from a variety of backgrounds. Whether you are at school, at university or on the job market, a member of a youth organisation or just a group of friends, your participation in the event will be of great value.
A part of the EYE2025 programme will be streamed on the European Parliament website (in 24 languages and International Sign Language), with automatic speech to text captioning and translation) and on Facebook (English). You are invited to tune in and watch without any registration. However, keep in mind that online participants will not receive a certificate. More information about the online programme is available on the Take part page.
Until 21 February, you could express your interest in participating in the event. By 15 March, you will be notified whether your registration has been accepted or not. EYE is an event for young people between 16 and 30 years old, from the EU and beyond. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, taking into account geographical, age and gender balance.
Participation in the EYE is free of charge but participants need to arrange and cover their own travel to Strasbourg as well as their accommodation on site. For more information, check the Take part page.
In this edition, group registrations are not planned. Each member of the group will need to register individually by filling in the registration form.
Please make sure to check your spam folder to see if the registration link is there or wait a few hours before checking again. If the email is still missing, please contact our helpline.
Please do not register more than once!
Please make screenshots of the error(s) and contact our helpline for further instructions.
If the registration process is still open, try to register again. If not, please contact our helpline.
Unfortunately, once the registration is closed you will not be able to register for the event and access the European Parliament anymore, so make sure to apply well before 21 February!
However, you could still register on the spot, and join the outdoor activities taking place in the EYE Village that are open to everyone or that have not reached full capacity.
And you can also take part in the EYE online programme.
No, unfortunately, for security reasons, only participants who will have registered between 3 and 21 February will be able to follow the whole programme of the event. However, the programme in the EYE Village remains accessible to young people who register on spot.
To access the Parliament during EYE2025, journalists, journalism students, photographers, content creators, and media professionals need to be accredited. To do so, everyone needs to register via the EYE registration platform, including those who hold already an inter-institutional media accreditation or annual media accreditation at the European Parliament. To register as media, please apply via the EYE registration platform - media.
When applying, you will need to provide one of the following: a copy of a valid press card, a recent assignment letter issued by the editor, a recent assignment letter issued by your journalism school, or an invitation letter from the European Parliament. The letter needs to be signed, it needs to be on official letterhead and should specify the name and function of the journalist/journalism student/photographer/content creator/media professional and that the accreditation will be used to access the European Parliament premises during EYE2025. You cannot nominate yourself.
For freelance media professionals only: you will need to provide proof of journalistic activity (recent by-lined publication(s) and corresponding evidence of payment of your freelance activity).
At the EYE accreditation centre, you will be able to pick up yellow bracelet. More information will be shared via email once your application is approved.
Only people accredited as media and wearing the yellow bracelet can use professional equipment for recording. No media accreditation is necessary for recording or taking pictures with a smartphone or small digital camera.
People with a yellow bracelet have access to all EYE2025 activities and can use the fast lane to enter the European Parliament.
All duly registered participants for the event will be notified via email of the opening date for booking activities (spring 2025). Booking of activities will take place on the same platform on which participants registered. If you manage to book an activity, you are automatically accepted.
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish interpretation will be available for a number of activities. Selected activities will be interpreted into more languages and some even into all official EU languages. International Sign Language interpretation will be available for a number of activities indicated in the programme. More information about interpretation will be available in the programme.
Don’t worry! There are many nice activities in the EYE programme, so if the ones you wanted to attend are fully booked, look for other options. There are also many activities that don’t require prior registration, such as drop-in/ongoing activities, stands, and artistic performances.
At the EYE, you can also pass by the activities that are fully booked, to see if there’s still any space in the room. If some of the participants who booked the activity don’t show up by its start time, you may be able to take their place in the room.
Please note that you will only be able to take part in the activities inside the Hemicycle if you have booked them in time. A single use, individual QR code per participant, generated by the registration system, will be scanned at the entrance to the Hemicycle. So don’t share it with your friends, because if they use it before you, yours will no longer be valid and you won’t be allowed to enter the Hemicycle.
If you booked an activity but arrive late to the room, you can still join if there is space available. Once the activity starts, other participants who didn’t book the activity but are interested in joining and arrive on time may be let in, so you’ll need to check if there’s still space!
No, but in selecting activities it is best to pay attention to their description and the format. The description will give you an indication of the level at which a topic will be discussed. The format will tell you whether the activity is, for example, a panel, a workshop, an artistic performance or a role-playing game. All formats have different levels of interaction.
The EYE will invite mostly young, inspiring thinkers, political decision-makers and key figures from the fields of business, research, culture and civil society.
At the event
We recommend arriving one day before the start of the event and completing your accreditation on Thursday afternoon. This allows you to access the EYE premises more quickly on Friday morning and avoid potential queues at the accreditation centre. Besides this, we will already have a concert in the EYE VIllage on this day! Another great reason for you to arrive earlier.
Before the event, you can connect with other participants through the EYE social media channels such as the EYE friends Facebook group. During the event, there will be activities specifically designed to facilitate meeting other participants, online as well as physically.
You will have access to the areas of the Parliament dedicated to the event. This includes the regular visitors’ areas as well as the main meeting rooms where parliamentary activities take place, including the Hemicycle. In the programme, you will find briefings about the European Parliament which will take you around the premises.
There is no dress code. However, please make sure that when you enter the Parliament building you are not wearing objects or clothing displaying political statements or overt commercial identification intended for ‘ambush’ marketing. If so, you may be refused entry.
You will have free Wi-Fi access on the premises of the event. Also, while you are in France, you don’t have to pay any additional charges to use your mobile phone from another EU country. Your calls (to mobile and fixed phonelines), text messages (SMS) and data services are charged at domestic rates, i.e. the same price as calls, texts and data within your home country. Thank you European Union for that!
Yes, but alcoholic beverages cannot be brought onto the premises.
Food and refreshments will be available for purchase both inside the Parliament building and in the EYE Village.
Free drinking water points are located throughout the site, both in the EYE Village and in the EP buildings. Please do not forget to bring your own water bottle with you!
Alcoholic drinks will only be served in the EYE Village during the evening concerts.
The average high temperature in June in Strasbourg is 23° and the average low is 13°, but storms, strong sun and heat are possible.
We advise you to check the weather forecast a couple of days before the event, through websites such as MeteoFrance or MeteoNews, which will help you to pack appropriately.
EYE2025 takes place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Allée du Printemps, 67070 Strasbourg. The EYE Village is located in front of the European Parliament, just across the canal. The place is easily accessible by bus and tram. You can find more information about this on the Travel page of our website.
The opening hours of the accreditation centre are:
• 12 June, from 14:00 to 18:00
• 13 June, from 8:30 to 16:00
• 14 June, from 9:00 to 16:00
Travel & accommodation
The best option is to use public transport. More information on transportation can be found on the Travel page.
Strasbourg is connected to the European rail and road system. It also has an international airport and is not very far from other international airports in Paris, Frankfurt, Baden-Baden and Basel. We recommend you choose the most eco-friendly option for your travels. More info can be found on the Travel page.
There will be a parking space for groups coming by bus. For the participants coming to Strasbourg by private bus, a large parking space for buses will be set up close to the EYE premises. To use the parking, the head of group has to contact the helpline to make a request.
A bike parking area will also be available between the European Parliament buildings and the EYE Village. Participants coming by van or car will however need to find their own parking space.
We can provide you with a letter proving that you are invited to take part in EYE2025, specifying the date and place where the event will take place and including your ID details. Please request this letter during the registration. Keep in mind this is not an official invitation.
If your visa application is rejected, the European Parliament cannot intervene.
There are many options depending on your budget. It is up to each participant to arrange their accommodation and travel arrangements. Check out our Accommodation section.
Our aim is to accommodate the needs of all participants, including persons with different kinds of disabilities. If you need assistance, please contact our helpline. More detailed information will follow closer to the event.
The European Parliament strives to make the EYE accessible to all young people. For deaf and hearing impaired participants, the European Parliament offers international sign-language interpretation, induction-loop system, speech-to-text automatic captioning and translation for online activities.
For participants with a physical disability, the European Parliament has ensured that all the activities and spaces are accessible by installing ramps where necessary and providing wheelchairs at the entrance of the Parliament if needed. Special vans can be foreseen to connect the event’s site to your hotel or any other location in Strasbourg. A special podium is foreseen in front of the stage for participants with a physical disability.
For participants requiring a quiet place, a ‘quiet room’ has been set up inside the Parliament, equipped with exercise balls, bean bags, jelly, mandala sheets, white paper and coloured pencils, squishy toys, fairy lights, and weighted blankets. In the EYE Village, there will also be a ‘chill out’ area.
Please contact the helpline should you wish access to any of the measures and spaces in place.
The EYE will provide international sign-language interpretation, induction-loop system, speech-to-text automatic captioning and translation for a number of activities. More detailed information will follow closer to the event. If you need assistance, please contact our helpline.
Yes, special vans can be foreseen to connect the event’s site to your hotel or to the centre of Strasbourg. Please contact the helpline should you wish to access any of the measures and spaces in place.
The vans will be available in the days of the event, upon request to the helpline.
There is parking near the EYE premises with a possibility to drop off participants next to the EYE Village.
Safety & privacy
Several security checks will be organised to allow access to the Accreditation Centre, the EYE Village as well as to the European Parliament buildings. Security agents will be present on the premises, prepared to react quickly when required. More detailed information will follow closer to the event.
If there’s a medical emergency, the French Red Cross will be present to provide first-aid support. If you are a minor, we strongly suggest your parents/legal guardians fill out the treatment consent form, and that you carry it on you in paper or digital format at all times during the event. Though not a legal obligation, it will allow the Red Cross to begin treating you as quickly as possible. If you don’t have the signed consent form with you, the French red Cross are legally obliged to contact your parents/legal guardians. If they can’t reach them and you need hospital treatment, this will of course be provided, but you will have to be escorted by the police which could slowdown your treatment as well as putting more pressure on the police services.
If you are a head of group, it is your responsibility to make sure all members of your group who are under 18 always carry with the treatment consent form, signed by their parents/legal guardians, with them at all times. -
Should you experience or witness any kind of inappropriate behaviour, please contact the Trusted person available throughout the event to support you and help seek peaceful and respectful solutions for any tensions or incidents that may occur. More information on the EYE2025 Code of Conduct page.
Yes, if you are experiencing any issues you can find the medical services inside the Parliament building and outside in the EYE Village.
If you need a quiet space, we also have a ‘quiet room’ at your disposal, inside the European Parliament, equipped with exercise balls, bean bags, jelly, mandala sheets, white paper and coloured pencils, squidgy toys, fairy lights, and weighted blankets. In the EYE Village, there will also be a ‘chill out’ area.
Only people accredited as journalists and with the yellow bracelets can use professional equipment for recording. Apply via the EYE registration platform - media.
No media accreditation is necessary for recording or taking pictures with a smartphone or small digital camera. In case you are filming of taking pictures of someone, please confirm first you have their consent for you to do so.
Please be aware that EYE2025 will be covered by filming crews and photographers. If you do not wish for your image to be used, we will offer visible markers (e.g. badges or stickers) at the accreditation centre. Please ensure you wear these markers visibly throughout the event.
Please note that the European Parliament has no control over the use and distribution of the video footage and photographs captured by individual participants.
There will be no lockers at the event. Large luggage items must be stored in the luggage deposit foreseen in the accreditation centre as they are not permitted in the European Parliament or EYE Village.
There will be all-gendered toilets in the EYE Village only.
EYE app
Yes. You will be able to use it to check the full programme, the sessions you booked, the map of the venue and the QR code to access the event.
- Activities that have a plus sign next to them can still be booked.
- The ones which have nothing next to them are full.
- The ones with the blocked sign next to them are 'read-only' which means you can just walk into them.
All approved participants will receive a link and a code to download the app just a few days before the event.
After the event
You can contact the Strasbourg "Lost and Found desk" at BurObjetsTrouves-STR@europarl.europa.eu or by phone at +33 3 88 74407. The European Parliament can then send the found item and cover the cost of shipping. For valuable items, recorded delivery will be used in order to ensure the package has been well received.
A few weeks after the event, all participants who have taken part in the event will receive a certificate of attendance via email. Participants who take part online will not be able to get a certificate.